Wednesday, June 17, 2015

one month out

Tomorrow marks four weeks (roughly one month) since my time at seminary came to an end. It still feels somewhat surreal to be finished with academia and formal study. The full magnitude might not hit until the fall when I will not have to adjust my schedule for classes, readings, and papers.

I am still processing the past four years, which certainly proved the most difficult, but sanctifying years to date. Never has my sin seemed more apparent than in those moments of study, stress, and exhaustion. And yet, never has the presence of God's transforming and comforting grace met me more timely than in those same moments. He is good and does good (Psalm 119:68).

The time away from school is already paying dividends. My wife and I have more free time together. We've gone for bike rides and walks. We started exercising more regularly. Our evenings are less rushed (most of the time) with more time for relaxation. We are learning to enjoy life moment by moment. It is also very likely I have spent more time with friends over the last month than I did over the past year. Friendship is a great blessing so easily taken for granted. Despite the future remaining cloudy and uncertain, life seems simple for the first time in a while. I relish this season of simplicity. It is a breath of fresh air for a weary body, mind, and soul.

And speaking of soul, God has graciously rejuvenated me. As seminary came to a close, it felt like the desire for personal study vanished. Seminary (not by anyone's fault) transformed study into an exercise void of joy and passion. I wanted nothing to do with it. What a scary thought for someone pursuing ministry where study is not only necessary, but incredibly vital! However, over the past month I have embraced and joyfully anticipated times of formal study. His Word has once again proved revitalizing, a much-needed source of nourishment.

I have no doubt rough patches and dry seasons lie ahead. In the meantime, I rejoice in this summer season, a Father's timely gift for His weary son.

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