Tuesday, November 15, 2011

It hasn't happened too often, but I am thankful when it does. The pace at which I am reading leaves little time for in-depth analysis and contemplation. I wish I could go slower. However, every so often I come across something which makes me pause. It can be something completely new or different. It can be something speaking directly to my life. It might be an interesting point reminding me of a friend or situation.

For one of my classes I am reading How People Change. It sounds like a self-help book. Some might argue that it is. Its purpose is to present how the gospel completely changes lives, especially as people cherish it and wrap their identity in it.

In one particular chapter the author, Timothy Lane, was discussing how the gospel changes our values and how we handle the different phases of this life. Setting up the correct Christian perspective, Lane breaks down Revelation 7:9-17.

But the saints on the other side are celebrating none of them [the good things of this earthly life] As they stand before the Lord, crowned and reigning with him, their restoration is complete. God has finished his work of transforming their lives as he transformed their hearts by his grace. As they stand before him, they are like him in true righteousness and holiness. And so they rise in a crescendo of worship and celebration saying, "You did it! You did it! You did what we could not do for ourselves. You broke our bondage to sin and restored us to be the willing worshipers you created us to be."

Amen! What a great picture! And this is the reality waiting for all those who claim Christ crucified and risen from the dead. This is where the road we are on is leading. It is our final destination. With this in mind everything about us changes: priorities, outlook, motivation, hope, endurance (to name a few). And yet it rarely does. While I nodded in affirmation at the above quote, I understand it fails to be my reality.

What about you? Where have you wondered if following the Lord is worth it? Where have you struggled to understand what he is doing? Where have confusion and disappointment weakened you faith? Where have you already let go? Where are you running from the Lord instead of turning to him? How has God's work of change been interrupted by your doubt, confusion, or fear?

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