Saturday, February 9, 2013

the issue

I am going to tread with extreme caution, because I know the following issue is a hotbed right now...

America has a gun problem. It is rather obvious. But what that gun problem entails remains unclear.

Is it the selling of guns? Gun ownership? Types of guns? People buying the guns? Video games and movies? Easy purchasing? Lack of control?

Depending on who you ask the answers to those questions will vary. They will also be expressed passionately and with strong convictions.

For me, I never plan on owning a gun. It has nothing to do with theology or politics or laws. I simply do not like them. I do not feel a need for them. I shot a rifle once when I was a kid, and that was more than enough. I do not feel like I am in danger because I do not own one.

In no way does my personal opinion carry significance for anyone else. I have many family and friends who own guns. A lot of them enjoy hunting, which makes a gun kind of necessary. Others like to collect them or shoot them at nearby shooting ranges. Still others feel safer knowing they have one available should the need ever arise. I have zero problems with these folks.

Sadly, things are never that simple.

Take, for instance, those who want a ban on all guns. While this may seem like a good idea on paper, it presents some significant problems. Bruce Willis (of all people) recently noted messing with the Bill of Rights on this issue will open up the door to messing with it more down the road. Remove the right to bear arms today, and tomorrow the freedom of speech, religion, a fair trial, or press could soon follow. Additionally simply outlawing guns does not guarantee a solution. All we have to do is look at illegal drugs and the prohibition for proof.

Or how about those who want a ban simply on assault weapons? These are the ones typical making the most news with all the recent killings all over this country. Taking military-style weapons out of the hands of non-military trained people makes sense. But again, this is messing (though to a significantly lesser degree) with the Bill of Rights. Personally, I am fine with this initiative especially considering it was a policy in the mid-90's, but I say so still aware that it will not solve the problem.

How about better background checks? This one recognizes gun ownership is a right, and that some people are not capable of handling that right. It's like a good parent taking away something because they know it will hurt their child. Again I like this idea, but recognize it will not solve the problem. People know how to get around background checks and many have been doing it for years.

Some want to simply take them out of the hands of the "insane." Again this one looks good on paper. Many of the cruel shootings as of late have been at the hands of people with serious issues. It seems logical to make it impossible for them to get their hands on weapons. And while I recognize the reality of mental health problems and outside influences, those are not the real problems. People are wicked (myself included) to their core. Romans 1-3 tells us we all have the capability of doing horrific things. The question is not "how could someone do x?" but rather "what is keep someone from doing x?" And whatever that is should drive us to thank God on a daily basis. Drugs, health, surroundings, genetics, and circumstances might push us one way or the other, but they feed off our own sinful natures.

So what's the answer? I do not know. Politicians and folks alike will debate the issue to the point of exhaustion. Things will be put in place which will receive both praise and criticism. But none of these will address the real problem.

It may sound cliche, but all the problems of humanity find their root in sin. And therefore all the problems of humanity may be pacified with laws and good works, but they will never be eradicated apart from the work of Jesus Christ. Only through His life, death, resurrection, ascension, and pending return has sin been overcome and human beings given new hearts.

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