Wednesday, August 21, 2013

a hopeless wanderer

Summer is almost over [sigh], and I have written a grand total of 6 posts! My plan was to be far more active. However, each time I sat down to write my creative tank was found empty. The few times I attempted to work through the void, the writing process was painful with the product severely lacking. Therefore, I pretty much abandoned all my efforts...

...until today!

But hold me fast, hold me fast
'Cause I'm a hopeless wanderer
And I will learn, I will learn to love the skies I'm under

I have this song included in my running mix. It is a fitting song for that exercise seeing as on many of my runs I feel like a hopeless wanderer. I run around a track over and over again without every getting anywhere. As such, my mind tends to wander often times to the skies over my head. On Monday I loved the skies for they were blue and cool. Today I did not like the skies for they were hot and humid. The song just fits.

The song also speaks to much more than my running excursions.

I go through many of my days living as a hopeless wanderer. I wander from one thing to the next looking for something. It may be fulfillment, pleasure, belonging, joy, acceptance, or a variety of other things. However, each thing leaves me feeling more and more like the hopeless wanderer I am.

I do not know who the song writer is singing to when he says hold me fast. It could be a lover, friend, God/divine being, or something else. For me (and everyone else), I am no longer a hopeless wanderer when I am held fast by Jesus Christ. For in Him, I find all the fulfillment, pleasure, belonging, joy, acceptance, etc. that my heart has and will ever desire. Because of who He is and what He has done, there is nothing I need or desire that stands outside of Him.

In light of this reality, I learn to love the skies I am under. Whether they are dark and gloomy or bright and blue, I have all I need. I am not dependent upon my circumstances. They will merely drive me closer and deeper into the arms of my Savior who endured every kind of sky imaginable.

Right now I thank God my skies are blue. However, the blue skies are not what overcome my hopeless wandering. It is the God behind those blue skies who continues to hold me fast.

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