Wednesday, August 28, 2013

whose agenda?

I actually read a book for pleasure during my vacation to the Lake in August. It was the first time I had willingly picked up a book since the semester ended back in May.

The book was King's Cross by Tim Keller. It focuses on Mark's Gospel account which presents Jesus as the true King eternally destined to bring His kingdom through the weakness and suffering of the cross.

When talking about Peter's rebuke at the news that Jesus would suffer, Keller focuses on Peter projecting his personal agenda upon Jesus the King.

We are no different than Peter. Keller keys in on this when he says,

If your agenda is the end, then Jesus is just the means; you're using him. But if Jesus is the King, you cannot make him a means to your end. You can't come to a king negotiating. You lay your sword at a king's feet and say, "Command me." If you try to negotiate instead, if you say, "I will obey you if...," you aren't recognizing him as a king. But don't forget this: Jesus is not just a king; he's a king of a cross. If he were only a king on a throne, you'd submit to him just because you have to. But he's king who went to the cross for you. Therefore you can submit to him out of love and trust...Taking up your cross means for you to die to self-determination, die to control of your own life, die to using him for your agenda. (106-107)

Am I more interested in using Jesus for my gain and glory? Or am I willing to sacrifice all of that for His?

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