Saturday, March 29, 2014

the Beatitudes

Recently I have been digesting the Beatitudes. They are familiar to most who have been in the church for any given period of time. Even someone unfamiliar with the Bible has probably heard one of these at some point in their lives. People have quoted them for a variety of purposes.

These words are significant for a number of reasons. In the context, they set the stage for Jesus' teaching about the Kingdom of God. Christ came to bring the Kingdom and preached its arrival (Mark 1:15). The Sermon on the Mount depicts what life in the Kingdom looks like. It is the King teaching about the elements of His Kingdom. It reveals far more than outward compliance, but a heart that faithfully follows, obeys, and serves the King.

The Beatitudes begin the King's message. They outline what the blessed, fortunate, even happy life looks like under the reign of the King. It is a life opposite of what the kingdoms of this earth deem valuable and securing blessing.

Each Beatitude is packed full of good stuff. It would not do justice to breeze past them quickly. I am setting out to reflect and meditate on these twelves verses here. I will not necessarily hit them each day (hopefully by the end of the month of April), but I do aim to address each one on its own.

And as the Passion Week approaches, my prayer is that these Beatitudes will turn me from myself to the King who freely gives these blessings to those resting in His finished work on the bloodied cross, empty tomb, and glorious ascension.

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