Wednesday, September 8, 2010

"Then you will know...

...that I am the LORD."

This phrase is repeated over and over again throughout the book of Ezekiel. God explains what He is doing in the midst of Israel and the surrounding nations to prove His reign as Creator, Sustainer, and Author of life.

Not that I should need proof, but God graciously demonstrated his Lordship over the entire process of my leaving education and moving toward ministry.

I found out on Tuesday that Friday would be my last day with the students. They had found my replacement and wanted to transition her in as soon as possible. Part of my struggle with the entire issue was wondering whether or not my hanging around was God's way of telling me the decision I made wasn't right. Plus, I grew more and more concerned about who would fill my place in the room. It's not that I think that highly of myself, but I want someone in there who will love those children as much as Christ loves them.

Tuesday night God revealed himself in all of my concerns. It was back-to-school night, and my job was to spill my secret to all present parties. In general the response was pretty positive about my decision, and I was able to share aspects of the gospel with the parents. Afterwards I was conversing with my replacement and one of the mothers about how I came about to my decision.

I told them the "quick" version of the story, but the timing of my decision really drew their interest. Apparently when I officially decided to leave (around August 3/4) my replacement talked with her husband about a desire to come back to full-time teaching. They decided to pray (yup, she loves Jesus too), asking God to provide an opportunity for her to get back into the classroom. When she to the in-service days before school, she heard about my position and applied. At this I was rejoicing inside to know God was working in someone else's heart as he was doing work in mine. However, the rejoicing took a step further when the mother of a student adding to the conversation.

She expressed how she had a hard year prior at the school. They were considering moving their daughter to a local Christian school. Unfortunately, they couldn't afford the cost even with both parents working. Instead, they prayed (yup, they love Jesus too) for God to provide a teacher who would love and push their daughter in the ways she needed. Well, the replacement goes to the same church as that family. Her daughter already knows the teacher and feels very comfortable with her as both a challenger and comforter.

As I sat and listened, I probably said "praise God" and "that's awesome" more than a dozen times. I even sang on the car ride home without the assistance of any radio because there was no other response I could think of that would do the entire evening justice. I love our God and the way He works and moves in the lives of His people.

"Then you will know that I am the LORD."

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