Monday, July 2, 2012

gladness and glory

Last week I quickly made work of John Piper's Supremacy of God in Preaching. It was a book I was required to read for my Gospel Communication class, but since I wasn't going to write a paper or be tested on it I decided to put it off until the summer.

I am thoroughly glad I finally read it! On the one aspect, it was a direct challenge to me as I continue to pursue preaching as well as a beautiful reminder of the wonder involved in the God-given task. But for me today, the book was much-needed in more ways than one. The points made, while directed at ministers of the Word, were not applicable to them alone.

In fact, I have a handful of posts digesting the material contained in such a small book (only 100 pages).

...who is not manifestly glad in God does not glorify God. He cannot make God look glorious if knowing and serving this God gives no gladness to his soul. (page 57)

Again, Piper is directing this to ministers responsible for preaching God's Word. I have had opportunities and others are in the works as well, but being glad in God is critical for everyone seeking to bring Him glory.

Wherever I am, I am called to bring God glory. And this must be done with gladness. My heart should be glad and filled with joy at the thought of bringing God glory. Who am I to engage in such an endeavor? Why should I be worthy to declare God's glory to the world? The reality is I am a sinful man forever unworthy and unable to bring God glory. But thanks to Christ my unworthiness has been replaced by His holiness. Not only am I enabled to bring God glory, I can do so faithfully and effectively because of Christ.

This is where my gladness lies. And this is where God receives the glory through my service.

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