Monday, April 1, 2013

April's prayer

Crazy busy would be an adequate description for the month begun today. In God's providence, I am co-preaching a 4-week series on prayer this month. Prayer will be my lifeline and source of strength. Hopefully, I will be preaching through what I have already put into practice. Prayer will be my necessity.

And in that vein, I pray a prayer from the Valley of Vision entitled, "Voyage," as my prayer for the month ahead (emphasis mine).

O Lord of the oceans, my little bark sails on a restless sea, grant that Jesus may sit at the helm and steer me safely; 

suffer no adverse currents to divert my heavenward course; 

let not my faith be wrecked amid storms and shoals; 

bring me to harbor with flying pennants, hull unbreached, cargo unspoiled.

I ask great things, expect great things, shall receive great things.

I venture on thee wholly, fullymy wind, sunshine, anchor, defence.

The voyage is long, the waves high, the storms pitiless, but my helm is held steady, thy Word secures me safe passage, thy grace wafts me onward, my haven is guaranteed.

This day will bring me nearer home, grant me holy consistency in every transaction, my peace flowing as a running tide, my righteousness as every chasing wave.

Help me to live circumspectly, with skill to convert every care into prayer, halo my path with gentleness and love, smooth every asperity of temper; 

let me not forget how easy it is to occasion grief; may I strive to bind up every wound, and pour oil on all troubled waters.

May the world this day be happier and better because I live.

Let my mast before me be the Saviour's cross, and every oncoming wave the fountain in his side.

Help me, protect me in the moving sea until I reach the shore of unceasing praise.

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