Saturday, February 6, 2010

the blizzard of 0'10

Last night and into most of this morning the snow fell continuously. It took a while to get ourselves out from underneath the behemoth amounts of snow, but we are able to move about freely at this point. Now with the typical nature of this blog, you might expect an exposition comparing snow to being dressed in white through the death of Christ. While I do appreciate viewing the snowfall in this light, I also recognize the simple pleasures it brings. Snow (especially larger amounts) is best for reliving the days of my childhood. This particular storm was ripe for activities such as tunnel-building. The first step is to create a hole and slowly work your way further into it (ala Jordan)...

After a good deal of wiggling, heavy breathing, and multiple failed attempts your tunnel should look like this (barring any unforeseen collapses)...

Once you have slid yourself all the way through, you can let the neighbor's kids play in your tunnel while you entertain their dog, Hunter. He took a little while to warm up to us, but eventually we all became good friends...

Oh the wonders of the snow!


  1. Will you come build Lydia a tunnel?

  2. you're breaking rule number 1 of snow play; no grass allowed. if you've forgotten this, i've failed you as an older brother. lo siento.
