Thursday, July 22, 2010

Something we don't do enough of

Psalm 136:1
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good

I Thessalonians 5:18
Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you

How many times do I simply take the time to thank God for all that He has given me? If I am honest with myself, I probably spend more time complaining about the things I don't have than praising Him for the things I have been blessed with. Each day gives us enough things to be thankful for regardless of our current struggles and trials. We worship and serve a God who is supremely good in all He does whether we recognize it or not. I have compiled a list (nowhere near exhaustive) of the blessings I have to be thankful for based solely upon today.

1. salvation through Jesus Christ: I would be dead without it (literally)
2. the Bible: opens my eyes to further love and understand Him each time I read it
3. Sunshine
4. the ability to run
5. food: summer time food tastes so good
6. kids: they are fun to be around and make you laugh
7. pools
8. comforts of a home
9. family: mine consists of some of the most fun people to be around
10. music
11. friends: they challenge and encourage me
12. breath
13. laughter: sometimes there is nothing better
14. forgiveness: I mess things up a lot more than even I am aware of
15. books
16. Cheerios: they taste good and are props for good entertainment from my niece

Again, I could keep going on and on if I wanted to. For the sake of my readers (and my sleep), I like the sixteen I compiled. They are all over the map, but worthy of praise nonetheless. God does lavish us with a plethora of gifts we often take for granted. Maybe we should make lists such as these each day to keep our minds fixed where they should.

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