Friday, July 30, 2010


As of 4:15 on Sunday afternoon I will no longer have my feet on American soil. I will be embarking on a 2 week trip to the land of my maternal ancestors. The plan is to start north (Milan/Tuscany area) and work our way south (northern coast of Sicily) before spending the last three or so days in Rome. Along the way I plan on fully indulging in the wonderful dishes. My mom learned to cook from her grandmother (an immigrant around the turn of the century), so my taste buds are more than ready. Odds are I may come back a few pounds heavier, but I sure it will be more than worth it.

I am also excited to see the historical landmarks and rich history flooding most Italian cities. However, I learned yesterday of an opportunity that potentially tops anything I will experience. My great grandmother was born in Palermo, Sicily which is exactly where my tour is expected to stop. My mom's cousin relayed some details about possibly obtaining my great grandmother's birth certificate to bring back home since all of her descendants live in the states. My great grandmother passed away a few years ago (after reaching the ripe old age of 105), and it would be a special treat to not only visit her hometown but see her certificate now almost 115 years old!

I don't know what the Internet options will be over there, but I plan to post things when I can. Either way, I am extremely excited (now that my brief passport scare is resolved) to see more of God's creation and creativity evidenced in the many wonders I will observe.

(a rough sketch of the trip)

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