Monday, July 18, 2011

God's answers

How do I respond to answered prayer? I hope with a heart full of gratitude and thanks. Even if the answer isn't my preferred choice, I hope there will be joy. Even if I begin to perceive what the answer will be, I hope contentment will reside.

Target missed.

Clarity has been a target of my prayers as of late. Recently I gained a clear answer from God which, to be honest, was not a surprise. But instead of being thankful and offering praise, I grew frustrated. I acted as if I am a bigger deal than I really am.

I've been listening to Matt Chandler's series on Habakkuk on my trips home from class. It's been both a Hebrew break and spiritual re-newer. In it he talks about how we tend to mimic Habakkuk by praying for God to move, and then complaining about the manner in which He does. It's safe to say I did just that.

I treated knowing God's plan on the same level as knowing God. He doesn't care whether or not I know what He's doing. I have nothing to offer Him on how to operate things (see Job 38-42). The only thing I can do is know Him more and more, which leads to deeper trust and joy.

For now I still don't know all God is doing. But I do know one thing He doesn't want for me at this point. I can be thankful for that and continue to trust in Him.

He hasn't failed me yet, and I know He's not planning on it.


  1. i love habakkuk. we did that in our SOAR group back in Nashville. 'twas a rich study. and i learned what a rampart is. =)

  2. Thanks, I needed that reminder of knowing that God's plan is best and that He has never failed me.
