Wednesday, September 14, 2011

quick breather

One full week (last Thursday through today) of seminary is in the books. How's it going? Thanks for asking. Already I have read more in the last week than I did the entire summer. (And it may be even further back than that). I am trying to learn one new language (Greek) while continuing to master another (Hebrew). I sleep sounder than when I swam at least 4,000 yards per day in high school. As someone who hates calendars, I have all my assignments outlined on my Google calendar in order to keep track and check them off when I complete them (definitely my favorite part). I spend at least two hours a day in the library compared to college where I don't know if I spent more than two hours for an entire semester. I could keep going with these, but basically I am more than busy.

However, in all the busyness, one thing I failed to grasp is the blessing of people, namely the people I am meeting. Naturally, I was going to meet people at seminary. It's pretty much impossible (not to mention ridiculously silly) to avoid human contact. You share classes, library tables, meals, seats, and almost everything else. Now I tend to be more introverted, so I thank God that He created extroverts as well. When I tend to be shy (I am learning not to be), they find ways to seek me out and engage with me. And the engagement has been a wonderful blessing.

It is a treat meeting people from all over God's creation. Every continent (except maybe Antarctica) is covered and who knows how many countries. I love learning about the different backgrounds and cultures, and then seeing how Christ can bring them all together by His grace. Simply awesome.

On top of that, people bring their personal backgrounds with them. I've met folks in the fields of teaching, engineering, accounting, philosophy, psychology, pastoring, missions, church planting, labor, technology, and many others who have either given up those fields for ministry or are looking for ways to bring the gospel back into as their ministry. Sharing stories with them is an encouragement for me as I press on for where God is leading me.

Basically, I was not expecting the blessing of people to be as strongly felt as it is. I limited my expectations of personal growth and development to the classroom and books of seminary. But God always plans better things than we can hope or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). And it's a great joy and privilege to watch them unfold.

1 comment:

  1. Derek, like you I can tend toward being an introvert. Seminary was a great time for me to grow through the classroom, lunchroom, library, hallway, student lounge, church ministry, and working in the shop. It has been great to watch you grow and be open to God's work in your life through so many different means. Just like God is using His people to shape you, know that you are being used by God to shape others - including me!
