Monday, September 26, 2011

unending love

In case I haven't stated it enough (I highly doubt it), I greatly appreciate music. If my guitar skills were any better, I would probably play far more than I listen. But thankfully there are plenty of talented people out there to cover where I am lacking.

Recently, my internal wrestling revolves around my utter failure to grasp the immensity (in breath, width, and depth) of God's love for me through Christ. Yes, I understand Christ (the incarnate God) left heaven to live perfectly on this broken planet ultimately to suffer and die on my behalf. Without even comprehending the full weight of that statement, I should be blown away. And by going deeper into the innumerable underlying truths, I should be "undone" like Isaiah thanking God every moment for His grace.

And yet I don't. I live with an attitude of entitlement to the grace I have received. I treat God's love with little, if any, regard to how I should respond to it. What I should be doing is willingly surrendering everything because that is the least I can do to thank (not earn or merit) Him for His unending love.

On my way home from class today, I listened to the song which has been my reminder in the midst of my own stubbornness to God's Word. It's overly lyrical, often repeating a series of lines over. While I typically prefer the the former, sometimes it helps to have the same words constantly confronting me. I would be stupid to somehow miss what they were trying to convey.

I could list the lyrics of the whole song, but the reality is the pre-chorus and chorus squarely hit the head of the nail.

Jesus, nothing compares to this grace that rescues me
Savior, now and forever Your face is all I see.

Now all I am, I lay at your feet
I'm humbled by the wonder of Your majesty
One thing I know, I find all I need
In Your unending love, Your unending love

Spirit, help that be my prayer.

1 comment:

  1. Love the song. Thanks for sharing it. I shared it with my class.
