Thursday, September 29, 2011

prayer and challenge

On Thursdays, chapel at seminary consists of groups meeting together for prayer. On this morning, one of my professors leading the group mentioned the need to be praying for a brother and fellow minister of the gospel in a distant land. If you haven't heard about this man, you can read about him on CNN, FoxNews, BBC, MSNBC, or any other news media you want (I tried to attach all the big ones for those who have their preferences).

Above all, we should be praying for this man, his family, the Iranian government, and the Christian churches in Iran. Pray for his physical, emotional, and spiritual strength. I cannot fathom all he has gone through, but his unwavering belief in Christ is clear. Pray for his wife, who has been interrogated in the past, and his children. They have been without their father since 2009. Pray for the Iranian government's eyes to be open to the reality of what they are doing. The effects of their decision reaches far beyond the realm of Christianity, but the right of believe for all human beings. Pray for the churches within Iran that continue to bear the burden of persecution from their government. And thank God churches continue to grow there in spite of man's attempts. And finally, pray for the gospel to penetrate deeper and further into Iran because of this. God is more than capable of using man's attempt to resist Him to bring more people unto to Himself.

Then, let us be challenged by our Iranian brother. Would we be willing to take the same stand he is taking? Would we would ready to defend Christ at the sake of our own lives? The reports says his response to recanting was "Repent means to return. What should I return to? To the blasphemy that I had before my faith in Christ?...I cannot" We may never face the same situation as this brother, but our passionate fervor should be the same nonetheless.

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