Monday, June 13, 2011

Everyone knows the story of Joseph. Simply put, Joseph went through a full spectrum of trials. And by God's grace he saw the other side of each and every one. He is living proof of the faithfulness of God.

Reading Joseph's story can be difficult because the story lacks full character development. We are only given a glimpse into how Joseph's faith matured from beginning to end. We don't get to see how the fire refined Joseph's faith. All we really know about his faith is ultimately revealed in the end. Joseph understood all that transpired in his life was a part of God's design to save lives (Genesis 45:8) and bring about good (50:20). And that was enough for him.

Joseph's time in prison is short-lived in the biblical account despite it lasting at least two years. The Bible only describes it in reference to the dreams he interpreted. But it does mention "some time after this" (40:1) and "after two whole years" (41:1) to give an idea of the length of time he spent.

And after he gave good news to the cup bearer Joseph asked him to "remember me, when it is well with you, and please do me kindness to mention me to Pharaoh, and so get me out of this house. For I was indeed stolen out of the land of Hebrews, and here also I have done nothing that they should put me into the pit" (40:14-15).

Joseph had no clue what God was doing by bringing him to Egypt and finding it fit to keep him in bonds. He only knew he was there a long time. He knew he wanted out. And yet he was patient.

Unlike Joseph I have a small glimpse of what God is doing (I say this loosely because God's ways are always far above my own). I left a comfortable job for uncertainty only to find God prepared the way for me to spend the first three months of the year in India. I came back to uncertainty only to find God met my needs as I applied to seminary. Now I stand on the shore ready to dive into the unknown of seminary and whatever else God has for me.

The only problem? I lack patience. I don't know if Joseph grew frustrated, but I know I do. I don't know if Joseph let his fear supplant his faith, but I know I do. I don't know if Joseph ever felt like throwing in the towel, but sometimes I do. It's hasn't quite been "some time after" or two whole years," but there are days when it feels like it.

But I can look to God behind Joseph's story because all the while He "was with Joseph and showed him steadfast love" (39:21).

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