Thursday, June 30, 2011

hot topic

I'm not married. Lord willing that day will come. Recently marriage has been all over the news. State governments are trying to define marriage in a way that meets the desires of all people. And with the most recent decision in New York, it appears as though marriage will look drastically different than it did last century.

I don't like debating politics, but this is really a moral issue in the political realm. I've read many opinion pieces and listened to various individuals express their views on the matter. Some (from both sides) I have respected while others (on both sides) I found ridiculous. But still I must state two important points. First, human rights are important. Regardless of who someone is or how they live their lives, they are still an image bearer of God and worthy of respect. Second, marriage is more than a government institution. In Genesis God ordains marriage right after creating humanity. And God has ordained it between a man and woman. For in Mark 10:9, God declares Himself to be the one who brings a man and woman together not the government. Therefore marriage is not a right, but a blessing from God.

With that said, I read a rather obnoxious article on this issue. It was from a comedian, which makes it hard to know whether the person is serious or using extreme sarcasm. Given the personal information included, I concluded the author to be rather serious: marriage should be outlawed across the board.

I'll let you read it for yourself, but one part stood out among all the others. He took a quote from another comedian to sum up his entire point. Basically, marriage doesn't fit in with human nature, which leaves removing it altogether as the only logical option.

The Bible tells us over and over again about human nature. One verse, Jeremiah 17:9, says The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? Marriage is gift which encourages two individuals to sacrifice themselves for the good of one another. It demands selfishness and self-interest be thrust aside. It requires humility and constant forgiveness. It is a picture of how Jesus Christ loves His church and gave Himself for her.

We should be glad it exists because anything that works against human nature is a gracious gift of God. He could leave us to ourselves, but continually works with us for our benefit and His glory. And no government decision can replace that.

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