Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A break from the heaviness

My most recent posts carried a lot of weight to them. Apparently the weight was more than just metaphorical. I was told the depth of my breathing last night was very heavy. By the grace of God, I awoke feeling lighter than usual. I guess I did most of my weight lifting in my sleep. Anyways, Italy was filled with many serious and weighty moments. However, it was also filled with many lighter and more enjoyable ones. Take for instance our first night in Rome. We were tired from riding in the car and walking the city, so Jordan and I decided to spend the rest of the night relaxing in the hotel. We bought some Cokes (in glass bottles no less) to further the relaxing mood. As most people do, we turned on the television hoping for something familiar we could unwind to. And what did we find?

If you think you are seeing Jack Shephard on the screen you would be correct? We found the series finale of LOST (my favorite show ever) in Italian. The voices were no where near the same, but the story did not change. As we watched, we translated parts based solely on our memory of watching the series finale with a group of friends. Despite not being unable to understand most of it, we thoroughly enjoyed the viewing. It reminded me how much I enjoyed watching the show amongst the company of friends every week for the last 6 years.

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