Thursday, August 26, 2010

Much to my chagrin, I spent the past two days preparing for the beginning of school. For now it looks like I will be spending at least the first week in the classroom. While it's not my desire, I know God has me there for a reason. I don't know what that is, but I do know He is faithful. If He wants me serving in missions this year, He will get me there in His time.

Anyways, I actually learned (more like relearned) something over the past couple of days. I like being around people. One blessing coming from going back to work has been my interactions with my fellow teachers. Surprisingly they have been extremely supportive and, some, jealous (or so they say) of my decision. I received a number of "congratulations" while sadness for my leaving. Apparently, they enjoyed having me around as much as I enjoyed working with them. Last year, they did an excellent job of helping out a struggling first-year teacher with advice, much-needed laughs, encouragement, and, sometimes, criticism. They were also not afraid to be open with me about their lives. Some even went as far as to share struggles in their families' and personal lives. Looking back on it now, it was one way in which God enabled me to speak the gospel in everyday situations. Sometimes it takes leaving to open our eyes to see things such as these.

On a less spiritual level, the people I worked alongside last year were simply fun to be around. Faculty meetings, private conversations, and other rendezvouses usually ended with some good-natured ribbing or joke. I think this will be one of the aspects of teaching I will miss the most. Early on, I was not a big fan of being around people too much. I would fulfill what I thought was polite when it came to being social. Over the past few years, my attitude has undergone a significant change. I look forward to engaging with people on all levels. A number of teachers asked me to keep them informed with my plans as well as update them on how the mission field is treating me. If anything, it's another avenue for me to share the good news of Jesus Christ. Praise God!

As I gaze upon my unclear avenue of ministry, I am able to see how my desire for fellowship will be beneficial to wherever God places me. I thank Him for the people He has already allowed me to cross paths with and look forward to the many more to come.

1 comment:

  1. God is so good. He shows us things we were not expecting to see and at the same time blesses us with it. Enjoy your days at school and keep looking for those pleasant surprises.
