Tuesday, January 18, 2011

brief updates

Greetings from India! It is a beautiful morning with the sun shining and the thermometer pushing the low 80's. A welcomed change to the snowy, frigid news I hear from Pennsylvania. Anyways we are back from the camps prepared to enjoy a few days of touristy types activities before the Newsong team heads back on Thursday morning. Time this morning is limited (as ins internet access), so I will be brief. I plan on adding pictures as we go, but I am not on my computer right now. Therefore the faces of the many beautiful people will have to wait for another time.

Basically our God is truly an awesome God! My heart as been refreshed at His active hand over the past nine days. I don't exact numbers, but I do know heaven has been throwing some fantastic parties. Children are hearing the good news of Jesus Christ and God's Spirit is doing marvelous works as a result. Kids are beaming at the thought of following Jesus Christ as their Savious and Lord. A hunger and thirst has been cultivated for God's Word and Spirit in their lives. I wish I could put all of it into concise words, but I can't. However, it has been a real blessing to be a part of His work and seeing the fruit of it as well. Please pray for these children as they go back to their homes and villages eager to share Jesus with family and friends.

Along with the students, God is continuing His molding of my life as well. My notebook (journal) is filling up quickly as God frequently speaks to me through His Word and the people I am ministering to and with. I hope to share some as my time continues, but most will probably wait until I am back state-side (as they like to say here). Thank you all for your prayers and encourgement as our team has definitely felt and seen them throughout our journey thus far. God has led each and every step thus far, and I am excitedly to see how He is going to keep leading in the days ahead.

1 comment:

  1. It is so good to hear from you. We praise the Lord for how he is working and will continue to do so. Love you.
