Monday, January 31, 2011


The man in the middle of the picture is named Ananea Rao. He was the lead pastor for the first two camps. He is truly a man devoted to serving the Lord and the people God has placed under his shepherding. His wife made our meals everyday, catering to some of the needs of those with weaker stomachs (though our group was very flexible and ate nearly everything). He also has a daughter who is studying to become an engineer at a university far away from her home. She wouldn't be the only child if swimming accident hadn't taken the life of her younger brother a few months back.

The boy was actively involved in the previous two camps at this location. Our staff recalled him as energetic and a lover of God's Word. He moved into the role of junior counselor helping the younger campers grow in their knowledge and love of Jesus Christ. Our group was informed of this information before we started the camp, but it was never pushed to the service with all the business of running the camp. On the last day, the American team was given garlands as a thank you for our coming to India. After taking pictures with the campers, Jerry mentioned giving using the garlands to decorate the grave of the son which rested next to the church. We shared the idea with Sanjay who thought it was a good idea. He was planning on holding a time of prayer for the family before leaving on the last day.

Once most of the children had left for their villages, we gathered around the grave for a time of prayer. After Sanjay prayed for the family (who are still grieving, but maintaining their hope in Christ) we all laid our garlands on top of the boy's grave. I don't think their was a dry eye as we got to experience the blessing of being members of Christ's body. The truth of sharing in one another's joy and grief came alive. We felt as though we had lost a close friend as well, but we were able to encourage one another because of who our God is. It was an unexpected blessing God graciously bestowed upon us, and allowed us to minster once again to our brothers and sisters in India.

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