Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sorry about the blurriness of the picture. We were trying to take it as we rounded a bend. It was taken during our trip to Delhi back in the middle of February. But even with the poor focus, I am quite confident the large object to the left is still visible. It is a 30+ foot high statue of one of the Hindu gods. Prior to this point, I had not seen one larger than roughly five feet. And since coming back I have yet to seen anything close. It reminds me a bit of the large statue Rack, Shack, and Benny (thanks for helping with the spelling Veggie Tales) were commanded to bow down to by Nebbu K (more props to those vegetables). Once the shock of such a large statue wore off I found myself disgusted, but not in a God-honoring manner. My mind thought "who would worship something such as that."
As I have dwelt upon my reaction to the idol and the grandness of it I wish my reaction would have been a bit more appropriate. Yes, the very existence of the idol is an attempted slap in the face of our God. I am not compromising there. It is giving glory where it doesn't belong. God does not look lightly upon it, and neither should we. But my job is not to condemn but pray for God to open their eyes. He will get the glory He deserves in His time.

What I really felt God wanted to challenge me with was my own arrogance. I don't worship physical things. I wish I could say I only worship God. Unfortunately, I (and God much better) know my own heart. My idols are not that large and outspoken. Mine are much smaller and harder to find. They don't like to stand out because when they do I take notice of them. I confess their presence in my life, and I allow God's Spirit to remove them. God used the presence of an idol to reveal the presence of my own idols. I can deny their residence in my heart, but it doesn't get rid of them. Only God's Spirit can do that. And I pray He is doing every single day.

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